MT5 Signal Indicator AMA (Adaptive Moving Average) signal
I tried to create a signal indicator for MT5 proud of the rich time foot. Because it is a trend system, it is not certain whether it helps in binary options, but please feel free to download the person you want to use.
It is AMA (Adaptive Moving Average) that I was anxious to use the technical analysis that is not prepared in MT4 because it creates it for mt5 with great pains and was variously ransacked result.
There might be some people who know because I think that the indicator for MT4 was distributed, but it is a technical indicator that is not so common to MT4 users. I knew only my name, but I didn’t really know what kind of technical analysis it was.
The AMA (Adaptive Moving average) is an adaptive moving mean, which is a technical indicator that can draw a moving average line that is less susceptible to noise on the chart. This technical indicator was conceived by Perry Kaufman and is written in the book “Smarter Trading (Clever trading)”.
It was devised to solve the two week points of the occurrence of the lag caused by the trend signal and the smoothing process of the trick caused by the sudden change in price. If you try to actually display on the chart, the simple moving average line will draw a little bit different line.
The purpose of this indicator is to use this AMA to display a trading signal and to make it a signpost for entry.
Basically, it generates a signal by the short-term line and the long-line cross, but it only has to generate a signal in the direction of the trend using the AMA for trend filters because it increases the number of cheats. You can also turn off trend filters.
The parameters are:
Ama_short = “Short-line parameter setting”;
period_a = 9;
Fast_ema_a = 2;
Slow_ema_a = 30;
Ama_long = “Long-line parameter setting”;
Period_b = 15;
Fast_ema_b = 2;
Slow_ema_b = 30;
Ama_trend = “parameter setting for trend filter”;
period_t = 50;
fast_ema_t = 2;
slow_ema_t = 30;
Trend_filter_switch = “False when the trend filter is not used”;
Trend_filter = true;
Alert_switch = “False when not using an alert”;
Use_alert = true;
Since the above parameters are set appropriately, when you use, I think you should adjust to your own trade style.
I’m sure it works with Tradeview forex mt5, but I think I can use it with XM and FxPro (^_^;)
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